BUZZ by Isidoor Goddeeris | Extended


Vernissage 07/04 - 10:30 > 18:00

Wed. > Fri. 10:30 - 12:30 / 14:00 - 18:00
Sat. & Sun. 10:30 - 13:00

Isidoor will transform the gallery in Ghent into his own world in dialogue with some masterpieces from the gallery's collection. Step into Isidoor's space ranging from delicate slatted constructions to imposing sculptures in marble, from dancer's feet to bovine carcasses as well as installations where live bees take on the role of co-creator.

About Isidoor Goddeeris:

Happy childhood, growing up in a house on the edge of infinity. On a railroad line that goes unused, a road that leads in both directions to unexplored territory. There the child Isidoor explores the wide world. Climbing trees, erecting ramparts, building camps, establishing borders, war and peace, falling from trees. Playing with matter: earth, wood, fire, mud, insects, sun.

Later, his studio becomes like the land of his youth: vast, vaster, vastest. Here the grown man moves as freely as the boy, in all directions. And continues to build. Camps, boats, towers, theaters, bridges, stairs ...

He likes to play with the elements: let water flow over marble to make the stone undulate, let wood burn to find a color of darkness.

He looks for answers to riddles of nature. The delicate modeling in clay, the intricate building with wooden slats, the scratchy chiseling in stone ...
