Xavier De Cock

Gent 1818 – 1896 Deurle

From 1830 until 1835 Xavier De Cock studied at the academy in Ghent. In 1837 he debuted at the triennial exhibition in Antwerp. In 1852, Xavier travelled to Normandy, and soon ended up in Paris and Barbizon. In no time De Cock made fame in the Parisian art scene. In 1860 De Cock settled in Deurle, but kept spending winters in Paris.

His French fame also reached Belgium, and Count Henri t’ Kint de Roodenbeke, the resident of the nearby castle of Ooidonk, was an influential supporter of his work. After 1865, Xavier preferred Belgian artistic life and exhibited frequently at the salons in Antwerp, Brussels and Ghent. The forests and marshes around Ghent were an important study source for this artist.

Xavier De Cock, Belgian Art, drawing

Xavier De Cock: XDC 25, Pencil on paper. Request information

Xavier De Cock, Belgian Art, drawing

Xavier De Cock: XDC 40, Pencil on paper. Request information

Xavier De Cock, Belgian Art, drawing
Xavier De Cock, Belgian Art, drawing